Friday, July 13, 2007

bored and tired???

I dont know about anyone else...but when i get bored, I dont get a lil bored...I get a lot bored. So I guess I've found something a lil productive to do with my time. When you spin around in circles in your living room, trying to figure out exactly how many spins it takes to make you fall on your ass...then you know your seriously Ahhhh, sleep. oh....and i'll post some new pictures of myself when i get around to it, but rightnow I'm goodnight all.

-Christy Marks


Anonymous said... i get that bored too sometimes. ill be looking forward to your bloggging.


PassionateRB said...

good luck on your blog and career...:)


Ben said...

All that spinning would make me so sick, I'd have to stop before I spun enough to fall. :(